On-Campus SSGPDP:

The estimated Self-Supporting Graduate Professional Degree Program (SSGPDP) annual fee for the on-campus Masters in Conservation and Restoration Science (MCRS) can be found on the registrar’s tuition and fee page. 

The Masters in Conservation and Restoration Science is a 2-year program. Fees are subject to change, both before students enroll and during a student’s enrollment.  UC Irvine bills for fees each quarter.


On-campus SSGPDP program fees do not include fees and expenses such as, but not limited to, graduate student health insurance and other miscellaneous campus fees, books, supplies and course materials, room and board and living expenses, transportation expenses, and student services funded by the University of California Student Services Fee.  On-campus SSGPDP program fees do include the cost of compulsory graduate student campus-based fees.  Please note that the MCRS is a self-supporting graduate degree program; thus, certain fee waivers traditionally accepted by the University of California may not be accepted (for example, we do not accept CalVet waivers).  Please contact cchunt@uci.edu for further information.

Please note that students admitted to the MCRS program are not eligible for the on-campus graduate housing guarantee, and on-campus housing is limited. If interested in applying for the on-campus housing waitlist, please visit the Housing website at http://housing.uci.edu/apply/GFHTerms_and_Conditions.html for more information.