Our Faculty
This program encompasses faculty from three schools at UC Irvine with exceptional strength in areas relevant to the environmental profession, including Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in the Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences, Earth System Science in the School of Physical Sciences, and Planning, Policy and Design in the School of Social Ecology.
Problem-based research with real-life application is the hallmark of the scholarship carried out by faculty in these departments. This new program deepens our collective commitment to professional development and career growth currently evident in the translational and interdisciplinary research we conduct.
Our partners in the community who participate in our curriculum and programs are leading professionals in a range of organizations addressing pressing environmental management and conservation challenges.

Amy King-Henry
Assistant Project Scientist, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Course: Quantitative Methods and Marine Conservation
Email: ahenry1@uci.edu

Sarah Kimball
Assistant Adjunct Professor, MCRS
Assistant Director, CEB
Courses: Ecology, Restoration Ecology, MCRS Capstone
Email: skimball@uci.edu
Website: Faculty website

Jennifer Long
Acting Director, MCRS
Education & Outreach Coordinator, CEB
Courses: Tutorial, Project Management, Professional Workshop, MCRS Capstone
Email: jjlong@uci.edu

Barry Nerhus
Adjunct Lecturer, MCRS
Founder & Senior Biologist, Endemic Environmental Services, Inc.
Course: Wildlife Ecology and Sampling

Jessica Pratt
Assistant Teaching Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology & UC Irvine Minor in Global Sustainability
Courses: Tutorial, Conservation Biology
Email: jdpratt@uci.edu
Website: Faculty Profile