Tomorrow, recent MCRS graduate, Kevin Allison, will be speaking about his work at Tree of Life Nursery during the December CA Native Plant Society meeting.
The genus Dudleya is a charismatic group of native succulents with many…
MCRS faculty Barry Nerhus (above) and recent MCRS graduate, Lyell Buttermore (below) were a part of a rescue team for rare turtles. Read more here on this uplifting story:…
Are you interested in applying to our Fall 2021 cohort?
Join our MCRS Academic Coordinator for a Q&A session on Friday December 4th from 12pm-1pm:…
Are you interested in applying to our Fall 2021 cohort?
Join our MCRS Academic Coordinator for a Q&A session on Friday November 6 from 12pm-1pm:…
Corrina Tapia is a second year MCRS student who has always been drawn to how wildlife and humans interact, and specifically, how to ensure that the survival of one does not mean the loss of…
Sinem Kargin, a second year MCRS student, is from Turkey, a land which has always been at the crossroads of civilizations and geography.She has always had a passion for science and nature. In particular, she…
Valente Ayala is a second year MCRS student, who graduated from UC Irvine with a B.S. in Biology and Chicano Studies. He now works as a park naturalist where he provides the public with interpretive…
Letting Inter-disciplinary Knowledge Empower the Environment
It’s easy to believe that the negative impacts of climate change are happening far away from us, affecting only people who live in earth’s geo-climatic extremes. Despite record heatwaves, rising…
Please enjoy these presentations prepared by UC Irvine Masters in Conservation and Restoration Science students here:
Analysis of Southern California Mitigation BanksCorrina Tapia
Black Abalone Habitat Asssessment in Orange CountyJulia Peay and Kelcey Chung
Ecological Restoration of…
A second year MCRS student, Yvonne Valencia achieved undergraduate degree and played collegiate soccer at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon. She joined the Southern Oregon Animal Rehabilitation Center as an undergraduate intern over the…