The Wind of the Sentenac
长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海(A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves, and we will hoist the sail to cross the sea which raves.)Chinese Proverb
The wind howled and surged upon us…
Black Abalone’s Comeback
Most know that southern California has a variety of gorgeous beaches: sandy, rocky, sunny, foggy, crowded, or secluded. What you may not know as you’re enjoying the coastal views from the sand is…
Oak Trees vs Climate Change
The army of oak trees in Orange County has struggled against the overpowering enemy of climate change. Climate change is not alive, and it certainly does not have a heart, but…
We started the MCRS program in Fall 2019 by hitting the ground running. Imposter syndrome was in full swing, and after several discussions in our classes, it seemed we all felt it. We began to…
A New View of the Same World
Growing up in Seattle, Washington I was always surrounded by the word green. Whether that be descriptions of the thriving forests a 30-minute drive from downtown, the vast amounts…
UC Irvine natural reserve sites host researchers, students and volunteers addressing ecological challenges…
What is your perspective on Black Abalone?
This is a summary of our project prospectus written as a story. Citations are provided for incorporated facts. The characters and the stories are fictional; however, I hope that…
Nature to me is a harmonious whole made up of various unique individuals. It’s like we can divide so many plants into different genera and species in the world, even though we can’t find exactly…
Check out the article “Wildlife Images at Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Collected as Part of Ecosystem Restoration Strategy” from CA State Parks….
Are you interested in applying to our Fall 2021 cohort?
Join our MCRS Academic Coordinator Courtney Hunt for a Q&A session on Friday, January 22nd from 12pm-1pm:
Q&A Session Friday January 22nd 12:00PM – 1:00PM Register here:…